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Empowering Women through Fashion: Celebrating Body Positivity and Inclusivity

Welcome to our fashion blog, where we celebrate the transformative power of fashion in empowering women and promoting inclusivity. In this space, we explore the intersection of fashion and empowerment, shining a spotlight on the diverse voices, stories, and movements that are shaping the industry.

Fashion has the incredible ability to transcend mere clothing and become a catalyst for change. It has the power to challenge societal norms, break down barriers, and empower individuals to express their true selves. Through this blog, we aim to inspire and inform, sparking conversations and fostering a sense of community as we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of fashion.

Within this series of articles, we will delve into various aspects of fashion’s impact on women’s empowerment. From embracing body positivity and celebrating diverse sizes and shapes, to promoting cultural diversity and challenging gender norms, we will explore the topics that matter most in today’s fashion industry. Our goal is to provide valuable insights, practical tips, and thought-provoking discussions that empower our readers to embrace their uniqueness, celebrate their individuality, and make a positive impact through fashion.

So, whether you’re a fashion enthusiast, a budding entrepreneur, or simply someone who believes in the power of fashion to effect change, we invite you to join us on this empowering journey. Together, let’s dive deep into the world of fashion, celebrate diversity, and unleash the transformative power of fashion to empower women.

Table of contents:

I. Introduction

A. The importance of empowering women through fashion

B. The rise of body positivity and inclusivity movements in the fashion industry

C. Overview of the article’s focus on celebrating body positivity and inclusivity in fashion

II. The Impact of Body Positivity in Fashion

A. Historical beauty standards and their effect on women’s self-esteem:

B. Shifting towards body positivity and acceptance:

C. Highlighting the role of fashion brands in promoting body diversity and inclusivity:

D. Celebrating diversity in fashion:

E. The transformative power of inclusive fashion:

III. Celebrating Diversity in Size and Shape

A. Embracing plus-size fashion and the importance of representation:

B. Showcasing brands that offer inclusive sizing options and celebrate diverse body types:

C. Discussing the impact of body-positive influencers and role models in challenging beauty norms:

IV. Embracing Cultural Diversity and Representation

A. Recognizing the importance of cultural diversity in fashion:

B. Showcasing fashion brands that celebrate different cultural backgrounds and traditions:

C. Discussing the role of cultural appropriation and promoting cultural appreciation in fashion:

V. Breaking Gender Norms and Celebrating Individuality

A. Exploring gender-neutral and gender-fluid fashion trends:

B. Showcasing brands that challenge gender norms and embrace individuality:

C. Discussing the impact of gender-inclusive fashion on promoting empowerment and self-expression:

VI. Fashion’s Role in Self-Confidence and Mental Well-being

A. Discussing the relationship between fashion choices and self-confidence:

B. Exploring the importance of clothing as a form of self-expression and empowerment:

C. Highlighting fashion brands that prioritize mental well-being through their messaging and initiatives:

VII. Promoting Inclusivity through Marketing and Advertising

A. Discussing the importance of diverse and inclusive representation in fashion campaigns:

B. Exploring successful examples of inclusive marketing strategies in the fashion industry:

C. Highlighting the impact of diverse casting and storytelling in promoting inclusivity:

VIII. Collaborations for Change: Fashion and Advocacy

A. Showcasing collaborations between fashion brands and advocacy organizations:

B. Discussing the role of fashion in supporting social causes and raising awareness:

C. Highlighting the impact of fashion activism and its role in empowering women:

IX. Conclusion

A. Recap of the significance of empowering women through fashion:

B. Encouragement for fashion brands and consumers to continue celebrating body positivity and inclusivity:

C. Final thoughts on the transformative power of fashion in empowering women and promoting inclusivity:

I. Introduction

A. The importance of empowering women through fashion

Fashion has the power to be more than just clothing. It can be a transformative tool that empowers women, boosts their confidence, and promotes self-expression. The way we dress can significantly impact how we feel about ourselves and how we navigate the world. By embracing body positivity and inclusivity in fashion, we can create a more empowering and inclusive environment for women of all shapes, sizes, and backgrounds.

B. The rise of body positivity and inclusivity movements in the fashion industry

In recent years, there has been a notable shift in the fashion industry towards embracing body positivity and inclusivity. Traditional beauty standards are being challenged, and the industry is increasingly recognizing the importance of celebrating diversity in all its forms. Movements promoting body positivity, such as #BodyPositive and #EffYourBeautyStandards, have gained significant traction, empowering women to love and embrace their bodies as they are.

C. Overview of the article’s focus on celebrating body positivity and inclusivity in fashion

In this article, we will delve into the powerful impact of body positivity and inclusivity in the fashion industry. We will explore how fashion brands are challenging beauty norms, embracing diverse body types, celebrating cultural diversity, breaking gender norms, and promoting individuality. From inclusive sizing options to gender-neutral fashion trends, we will highlight the ways in which the fashion industry is championing body positivity and empowering women. Through the lens of self-confidence, mental well-being, marketing and advertising, and collaborations for change, we will showcase the transformative role of fashion in promoting inclusivity and empowering women.

II. The Impact of Body Positivity in Fashion

A. Historical beauty standards and their effect on women’s self-esteem: 

Throughout history, society has imposed rigid beauty standards that idealize a narrow range of body types, perpetuating an unattainable and often unrealistic image of beauty. These standards have led many women to feel inadequate, insecure, and dissatisfied with their own bodies. They have faced societal pressure to conform to these ideals, resulting in negative self-image, low self-esteem, and even mental health issues.

  • Unrealistic ideals: The fashion industry has long perpetuated the notion that thinness equates to beauty and success, leaving little room for body diversity.
  • Negative impact: Women who do not fit into the traditional beauty standards may feel marginalized, excluded, and unworthy.
  • Unhealthy behaviors: The pursuit of achieving societal beauty standards has led to unhealthy practices such as extreme dieting, disordered eating, and body dysmorphia.

B. Shifting towards body positivity and acceptance: 

In recent years, there has been a significant cultural shift towards body positivity and acceptance. This movement aims to challenge the traditional beauty standards and redefine what it means to be beautiful. Body positivity emphasizes self-love, self-acceptance, and embracing one’s unique body shape and size.

  • Embracing diversity: The fashion industry has started to recognize the importance of representing diverse body types and celebrating beauty in all its forms.
  • Empowering individuals: Body positivity encourages individuals to love and accept themselves as they are, promoting mental and emotional well-being.
  • Social media influence: Social media platforms have played a pivotal role in amplifying the body positivity movement, allowing individuals to share their stories, experiences, and perspectives.

C. Highlighting the role of fashion brands in promoting body diversity and inclusivity: 

Fashion brands have the power to shape societal perceptions of beauty and contribute to the body positivity movement. By actively embracing body diversity and inclusivity, they can create a more inclusive and empowering environment for women.

  • Inclusive advertising campaigns: Fashion brands are featuring models of different sizes, shapes, ages, and ethnicities in their advertising campaigns, challenging traditional beauty norms and promoting a more realistic and diverse representation of beauty.
  • Size-inclusive clothing: Brands are expanding their size ranges to cater to a wider range of body types, ensuring that women of all sizes can find fashionable and flattering clothing options.
  • Collaborations with influencers: Brands are partnering with influencers who advocate for body positivity and inclusivity, allowing them to amplify their message and reach a broader audience.

D. Celebrating diversity in fashion: 

The celebration of diversity in fashion is evident in the industry’s increasing representation of models and influencers who reflect a broader range of body types and backgrounds. This shift towards diversity celebrates the uniqueness and individuality of women.

  • Representation matters: Seeing diverse bodies in fashion campaigns, runways, and editorials helps women feel seen, accepted, and valued.
  • Empowering women: By showcasing a variety of body types, fashion brands are empowering women to embrace their natural beauty and reject societal pressures to conform to unrealistic standards.
  • Inspiring self-confidence: When women can relate to the models and influencers they see in fashion media, they are more likely to feel confident and embrace their own bodies.

E. The transformative power of inclusive fashion: 

Inclusive fashion has the potential to transform women’s lives by providing clothing options that fit, flatter, and celebrate their unique bodies. It allows women to express their personal style, feel comfortable in their clothing, and embrace their individuality.

  • Body-positive designs: Inclusive fashion brands focus on creating garments that accommodate different body shapes, offering options such as extended size ranges, adaptive clothing, and designs that emphasize comfort and confidence.
  • Improved shopping experience: By catering to diverse body types, inclusive fashion brands help women feel included and valued during the shopping experience, boosting their self-esteem and satisfaction.
  • Breaking societal norms: Inclusive fashion challenges the notion that beauty is confined to a specific body type and encourages women to love and accept themselves as they are.

In conclusion, the impact of body positivity in the fashion industry is significant. By challenging historical beauty standards, embracing body diversity and inclusivity, and promoting self-acceptance, fashion brands have the opportunity to empower women, boost their self-esteem, and foster a more inclusive and accepting society. Through the celebration of body positivity, the fashion industry is driving positive change, promoting diversity, and redefining the standards of beauty. It is a movement towards embracing the diversity of body types, celebrating individuality, and creating a more inclusive and empowering fashion landscape.

III. Celebrating Diversity in Size and Shape

A. Embracing plus-size fashion and the importance of representation: 

Plus-size fashion is a crucial aspect of celebrating body positivity and inclusivity. It is essential for fashion brands to embrace and celebrate diverse body types, including those that fall outside of traditional beauty standards. By featuring plus-size models and offering inclusive sizing options, brands can empower women of all sizes to feel confident and beautiful.

  • Breaking stereotypes: Plus-size fashion challenges the societal stereotypes that equate thinness with beauty and worth. It provides an opportunity to redefine beauty standards and promote inclusivity.
  • Size-inclusive designs: Brands that offer plus-size fashion prioritize fit, comfort, and style to cater to the specific needs and preferences of curvier women.
  • Representation matters: Seeing plus-size models and influencers in fashion media and campaigns helps to normalize and celebrate diverse body types, promoting body acceptance and self-love.

B. Showcasing brands that offer inclusive sizing options and celebrate diverse body types: 

Many fashion brands have recognized the importance of offering inclusive sizing options to cater to women of all shapes and sizes. By doing so, they empower women to embrace their bodies and find clothing that makes them feel confident and comfortable.

  • Extended size ranges: Brands that offer a wide range of sizes, from petite to plus-size, ensure that all women can find clothing that fits their unique body shapes.
  • Size-inclusive collaborations: Collaborations between fashion brands and plus-size influencers or celebrities help bring attention to the need for more inclusive sizing options and celebrate diversity in the industry.
  • Body-positive campaigns: Brands that promote body positivity and inclusivity through their marketing campaigns send a powerful message of acceptance and empowerment.

C. Discussing the impact of body-positive influencers and role models in challenging beauty norms: 

Body-positive influencers and role models play a significant role in challenging beauty norms and promoting self-love and acceptance. Their authenticity and willingness to share their own experiences inspire and empower women to embrace their bodies.

  • Authentic storytelling: Body-positive influencers openly share their personal journeys, struggles, and triumphs, creating a sense of relatability and inspiring others to embrace their own bodies.
  • Advocacy for inclusivity: Influencers who advocate for inclusivity in fashion use their platforms to promote brands that celebrate diversity and challenge beauty norms.
  • Inspiring self-acceptance: Body-positive influencers provide a counter-narrative to traditional beauty standards, encouraging women to love and accept themselves as they are.

IV. Embracing Cultural Diversity and Representation

A. Recognizing the importance of cultural diversity in fashion: 

Fashion is a powerful platform for celebrating and honoring different cultural backgrounds. Recognizing the importance of cultural diversity allows fashion brands to showcase a rich tapestry of traditions, styles, and aesthetics from around the world. Embracing cultural diversity in fashion promotes inclusivity, fosters cross-cultural understanding, and celebrates the beauty of different heritages.

  • Cultural exchange: Fashion provides an opportunity for cultural exchange, where different traditions and styles can be appreciated and celebrated.
  • Breaking stereotypes: Embracing cultural diversity challenges stereotypes and promotes a more nuanced understanding of different cultures.
  • Bridging communities: Fashion can bridge communities by creating connections and fostering appreciation for different cultural identities.

B. Showcasing fashion brands that celebrate different cultural backgrounds and traditions: 

Many fashion brands have embraced cultural diversity by incorporating elements from various traditions into their designs. By doing so, they showcase the richness and beauty of different cultures, while also honoring and respecting their origins.

  • Cultural-inspired collections: Fashion brands create collections inspired by specific cultural influences, such as traditional textiles, motifs, or craftsmanship.
  • Collaborations with artisans: Collaborating with artisans from different cultural backgrounds helps preserve traditional craftsmanship and promotes cultural exchange.
  • Representation on the runway: Fashion shows featuring models from diverse cultural backgrounds highlight the beauty and diversity of different heritages.

C. Discussing the role of cultural appropriation and promoting cultural appreciation in fashion: 

While celebrating cultural diversity is important, it is equally crucial to address the issue of cultural appropriation. Fashion brands should strive to promote cultural appreciation rather than appropriating elements from marginalized cultures.

  • Cultural sensitivity: Fashion brands should approach cultural influences with respect, seeking permission, and giving proper credit when incorporating elements from different cultures.
  • Collaborating with cultural experts: Collaborating with individuals from the respective cultures can provide valuable insights and ensure the representation is accurate and respectful.
  • Educating and raising awareness: Fashion brands can use their platforms to educate consumers about the cultural significance of specific designs, patterns, or garments, promoting cultural appreciation and understanding.

V. Breaking Gender Norms and Celebrating Individuality

A. Exploring gender-neutral and gender-fluid fashion trends: 

Fashion has the power to challenge and break traditional gender norms, offering individuals the freedom to express their identity beyond binary labels. Gender-neutral and gender-fluid fashion trends have emerged as a way to celebrate individuality and promote inclusivity.

  • Non-binary fashion: Non-binary fashion embraces styles that are not specifically designed for either males or females, providing individuals with clothing options that transcend traditional gender expectations.
  • Gender-fluid fashion: Gender-fluid fashion blurs the lines between traditionally masculine and feminine styles, allowing individuals to mix and match garments to create unique and expressive looks.
  • Androgynous fashion: Androgynous fashion embraces styles that blur the distinction between masculinity and femininity, allowing individuals to express themselves authentically without conforming to societal expectations.

B. Showcasing brands that challenge gender norms and embrace individuality: 

Many fashion brands have embraced the movement towards breaking gender norms and celebrating individuality. These brands create inclusive and diverse collections that cater to individuals of all gender identities.

  • Unisex collections: Brands create unisex collections that are designed to be worn by individuals of any gender, offering versatile and inclusive options that celebrate personal style.
  • Gender-inclusive designs: Brands incorporate design elements that defy traditional gender expectations, allowing individuals to express their unique identities without conforming to societal norms.
  • Representation in campaigns: Fashion campaigns feature models from diverse gender identities, showcasing a range of expressions and representations of beauty and style.

C. Discussing the impact of gender-inclusive fashion on promoting empowerment and self-expression: 

Gender-inclusive fashion plays a significant role in empowering individuals to express their authentic selves, fostering self-confidence, and promoting inclusivity and acceptance.

  • Encouraging self-expression: Gender-inclusive fashion provides individuals with the freedom to express their unique identity, breaking free from societal expectations and norms.
  • Challenging stereotypes: By challenging gender norms, fashion promotes a more inclusive and accepting society, challenging harmful stereotypes and promoting equality.
  • Building a supportive community: Gender-inclusive fashion creates a sense of belonging and community for individuals who may have felt marginalized or excluded in the past, fostering a supportive environment where all identities are celebrated.

VI. Fashion’s Role in Self-Confidence and Mental Well-being

A. Discussing the relationship between fashion choices and self-confidence: 

Fashion choices have a profound impact on how individuals perceive themselves and their self-confidence. The clothes we wear can influence our mood, attitude, and overall sense of self.

  • Dressing for success: When individuals dress in a way that aligns with their personal style and makes them feel confident, it can positively impact their self-esteem and perception of their capabilities.
  • Expressing individuality: Fashion allows individuals to express their unique personality, preferences, and values, fostering a sense of authenticity and self-acceptance.
  • Body positivity: Fashion that embraces diverse body types and sizes promotes body positivity, encouraging individuals to embrace and celebrate their own bodies.

B. Exploring the importance of clothing as a form of self-expression and empowerment: 

Clothing serves as a powerful tool for self-expression, enabling individuals to communicate who they are and what they stand for without saying a word.

  • Style as self-expression: Fashion choices reflect personal style, interests, and values, allowing individuals to communicate their identity and individuality to the world.
  • Empowerment through fashion: When individuals wear clothes that make them feel powerful and confident, it can impact their mindset, behavior, and overall sense of empowerment.
  • Using fashion to challenge norms: Fashion can be a platform for challenging societal norms and expressing beliefs, contributing to social change and empowerment.

C. Highlighting fashion brands that prioritize mental well-being through their messaging and initiatives: 

In recent years, many fashion brands have recognized the importance of promoting mental well-being and have incorporated it into their brand messaging and initiatives.

  • Body-positive campaigns: Brands that embrace diverse body types and challenge beauty standards through their campaigns promote body positivity and contribute to improved mental well-being.
  • Mindfulness and self-care: Brands that incorporate mindfulness practices and self-care into their messaging encourage individuals to prioritize their mental health and well-being.
  • Supportive communities: Fashion brands that foster inclusive and supportive communities create spaces where individuals can feel accepted, supported, and understood.

VII. Promoting Inclusivity through Marketing and Advertising

A. Discussing the importance of diverse and inclusive representation in fashion campaigns: 

Inclusive marketing and advertising practices have the power to challenge societal norms, promote diversity, and foster a sense of belonging within the fashion industry.

  • Representation matters: By featuring individuals from diverse backgrounds, ethnicities, ages, sizes, and abilities in fashion campaigns, brands can make their audience feel seen, valued, and included.
  • Breaking stereotypes: Inclusive campaigns help break down stereotypes and challenge traditional beauty standards, promoting a more inclusive and accepting society.
  • Reflecting the audience: Fashion brands that reflect the diversity of their target audience in their marketing efforts can better connect with their customers and build meaningful relationships.

B. Exploring successful examples of inclusive marketing strategies in the fashion industry: 

Several fashion brands have successfully embraced inclusivity in their marketing and advertising, setting a positive example for the industry.

  • Collaborating with diverse influencers: Brands that collaborate with influencers from various backgrounds can amplify their message of inclusivity and reach a wider and more diverse audience.
  • Storytelling that celebrates diversity: Brands that share authentic stories and experiences from individuals with different backgrounds and identities create a sense of relatability and inspire their audience.
  • Using inclusive language and visuals: Fashion brands that use inclusive language and visuals in their marketing materials show their commitment to creating a more inclusive and accepting fashion community.

C. Highlighting the impact of diverse casting and storytelling in promoting inclusivity: 

Casting diverse models and telling their unique stories in fashion campaigns can have a profound impact on promoting inclusivity and celebrating individuality.

  • Shifting beauty standards: By featuring models of various sizes, ages, ethnicities, and abilities, fashion brands can challenge traditional beauty standards and promote a more inclusive definition of beauty.
  • Inspiring confidence and empowerment: When individuals see people who look like them represented in fashion campaigns, it can boost their self-esteem and empower them to embrace their own unique beauty.
  • Encouraging acceptance and understanding: Diverse casting and storytelling in fashion campaigns can help break down stereotypes, foster empathy, and promote acceptance and understanding among different communities.

VIII. Collaborations for Change: Fashion and Advocacy

A. Showcasing collaborations between fashion brands and advocacy organizations: 

Fashion brands are increasingly partnering with advocacy organizations to create meaningful collaborations that drive positive change and support important social causes.

  • Collaborating for impact: By joining forces with advocacy organizations, fashion brands can leverage their platforms, resources, and influence to raise awareness, mobilize support, and drive action for critical social issues.
  • Promoting social responsibility: Collaborations between fashion brands and advocacy organizations demonstrate a commitment to social responsibility and show consumers that brands are actively engaged in making a difference.
  • Amplifying voices: These collaborations provide a platform for marginalized communities and underrepresented voices to be heard, sharing their stories and perspectives to create meaningful impact.

B. Discussing the role of fashion in supporting social causes and raising awareness: 

Fashion has the unique ability to captivate and influence a wide audience, making it a powerful tool for raising awareness and promoting social change.

  • Fashion as a medium for expression: Through clothing and personal style, individuals can use fashion as a means of self-expression and showcasing their values and beliefs.
  • Raising awareness through design: Fashion designers often create collections or pieces that highlight specific social issues, aiming to spark conversations and inspire action.
  • Collaborative campaigns: Fashion brands often collaborate with advocacy organizations to create awareness campaigns, using their influence and reach to educate and engage their audience on important social causes.

C. Highlighting the impact of fashion activism and its role in empowering women: 

Fashion activism has emerged as a powerful movement that combines fashion with social and political activism, particularly in empowering women and promoting gender equality.

  • Redefining beauty standards: Fashion activism challenges conventional beauty standards and promotes body positivity, inclusivity, and diverse representations of women.
  • Economic empowerment: Fashion initiatives that support women’s empowerment, such as fair trade and ethical fashion, provide economic opportunities for women in marginalized communities.
  • Advocacy for gender equality: Fashion brands and designers often use their platforms to advocate for gender equality, gender pay parity, and women’s rights.

IX. Conclusion

A. Recap of the significance of empowering women through fashion: 

Throughout this article, we have explored the various ways in which fashion can empower women and promote inclusivity. From celebrating diverse body types and cultural backgrounds to breaking gender norms and supporting social causes, fashion has the power to uplift and empower women in transformative ways.

B. Encouragement for fashion brands and consumers to continue celebrating body positivity and inclusivity: 

It is crucial for fashion brands and consumers alike to embrace and celebrate body positivity and inclusivity. By challenging societal beauty standards, promoting diverse representations, and advocating for inclusivity, we can create a fashion industry that embraces and empowers all women.

C. Final thoughts on the transformative power of fashion in empowering women and promoting inclusivity: 

Fashion is not just about clothing; it is a means of self-expression, a tool for empowerment, and a vehicle for social change. By prioritizing inclusivity, diversity, and empowerment, the fashion industry can create a more equitable and empowering environment for women. Let us continue to champion body positivity, celebrate individuality, and support one another on our collective journey towards a more inclusive and empowering fashion industry.

In conclusion, empowering women through fashion goes beyond the garments we wear. It is about embracing diversity, challenging norms, and promoting inclusivity at every level of the fashion industry. By recognizing the transformative power of fashion, we can create a world where all women feel seen, celebrated, and empowered. Together, let us strive for a fashion industry that embraces and uplifts every woman, allowing her to express her unique identity and embrace her own definition of beauty.


Wholesale Clothing: All you need to know

As a fashion-savvy individual, you know that finding good deals on clothing is essential. But what do you do when you need to buy clothes for the entire family? Buying wholesale clothing is the perfect solution! Not only can you find great deals on designer and name-brand clothes, but there are also a variety of styles and sizes to choose from. So whether you’re looking for something trendy or classic, there’s sure to be a wholesale store that fits your needs. Keep reading for all the information you need to get started!

What is wholesaling?

The process of selling goods in large quantities at low prices to be retailed by others.

The term “wholesale” refers to the sale of products in bulk at a reduced price. The buyer (retailer or other business) purchases goods from the supplier (manufacturer, distributor, or importer) in larger quantities than they intend to sell, or “in bulk,” and then resells the products individually to customers.

Wholesalers are always looking for ways to stay ahead of the competition, and one way to do that is by being the first to offer online sales. This allows customers to view current stock levels, which is important since buyers want to be sure they are getting the best deal. By offering this service, wholesalers can show that they are keeping up with the times and that they are committed to providing the best possible customer experience. Most wholesale sellers are already doing this same like Matterhorn the best wholesaler in Europe.

What is wholesale clothing?

Wholesale clothing is clothing that is sold in bulk to retailers or other businesses. This type of clothing is typically less expensive than retail clothing because the prices are lower for larger quantities. Wholesale clothing can be found at stores that specialize in selling clothes in bulk or at online retailers that sell directly to businesses.

Some wholesalers sell at wholesale prices starting from 1 product. This is the case with us – so you can start selling e.g. online without any risk because you don’t have to buy large quantities of a product to have a wholesale price.

If you’re looking for a great deal on designer clothes, then wholesale clothing is definitely the way to go! You can find top brands and styles at a fraction of the Cost, so you can stock up on clothes for the entire family without breaking the bank. Just be sure to do your research before heading out to buy, so you know exactly what you’re looking for and where to find the best deals! Before jumping into wholesale clothing, you should know the concept of wholesale clothing.

Wholesale clothing is an umbrella term that can refer to a number of different types of clothing, including:

  • Off-price clothing
  • Overstock clothing
  • Liquidation clothing
  • Surplus clothing
shoes wholesale

Off-price clothing

Off-price clothing is a type of wholesale clothing that is sold at a discount relative to the manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP). This type of clothing can be found at stores that specialize in selling clothes in bulk or at online retailers that sell directly to businesses.

Off-price clothing is a great option for budget-minded shoppers who want to get high-quality clothes at a fraction of the Cost. You can find everything from designer clothes to everyday basics at off-price stores, so you can stock up on clothes for the entire family without spending a fortune. Just be sure to do your research before heading out to buy, so you know exactly what you’re looking for and where to find the best deals!

Overstock clothing

Overstock clothing is a type of wholesale clothing that is sold at a discount because the clothes are no longer in style or season. This type of clothing can be found at stores that specialize in selling clothes in bulk or at online retailers that sell directly to businesses.

If you’re looking for a great deal on out-of-style or out-of-season clothes, then overstock clothing is definitely the way to go! You can find a variety of styles and brands at a fraction of the Cost, so you can stock up on clothes for the entire family without breaking the bank. Just be sure to do your research before heading out to buy, so you know exactly what you’re looking for and where to find the best deals!

Liquidation clothing

Liquidation clothing is a type of wholesale clothing that is sold at a discount because the clothes are no longer needed or wanted. This type of clothing can be found at stores that specialize in selling clothes in bulk or at online retailers that sell directly to businesses.

If you’re looking for a great deal on clothes that are no longer needed or wanted, then liquidation clothing is definitely the way to go! You can find a variety of styles and brands at a fraction of the Cost, so you can stock up on clothes for the entire family without spending a fortune. Just be sure to do your research before heading out to buy, so you know exactly what you’re looking for and where to find the best deals!

Surplus clothing

Surplus clothing is a type of wholesale clothing that is sold at a discount because the clothes are excess inventory that is no longer needed or wanted. This type of clothing can be found at stores that specialize in selling clothes in bulk or at online retailers that sell directly to businesses.

If you’re looking for a great deal on clothes that are in excess inventory, then surplus clothing is definitely the way to go! You can find a variety of styles and brands at a fraction of the Cost, so you can stock up on clothes for the entire family without spending a fortune. Just be sure to do your research before heading out to buy, so you know exactly what you’re looking for and where to find the best deals!

No matter what type of wholesale clothing you’re looking for, be sure to do your research before heading out to buy! This way, you’ll know exactly what you’re looking for and where to find the best deals!

How to start a clothing business?

So, Now it’s time to get started with your own clothing business. Starting a clothing business can be a daunting task, but with the right information, it can be done. Here are some of the best ways to start a clothing business:

  • Start selling local
  • Start selling online
  • Start your own E-commerce store
  • Start a subscription service
  • Start a pop-up shop
  • Start a mobile boutique

Start selling locally.

One of the best ways to start a clothing business is to start selling locally. This means that you will be targeting customers in your own city or town. You can do this by setting up a stall at a local market or by setting up a shop in your local shopping center.

Matterhorn is plentiful. If you need a large quantity, please contact us for a quote. Highlight the size of our range, the quality of the goods, and that we deliver to almost every country and have many customers selling in boutiques. Start selling online with help of us.

Start selling online

Another great way to start a clothing business is to start selling online. This means that you will be targeting customers all over the world. You can do this by setting up an online shop or by selling through online marketplaces such as eBay and Amazon.

You can also get benefits from our APIs, e.g. real-time synchronization of product data with your store, automated orders – more information can be found at Matterhorn’s website.

Start your own online e-commerce store.

Another great way to start a clothing business is to start your own online e-commerce store. This means that you will be selling your own products through your own website. You will need to set up a payment system, such as PayPal, and you will also need to ship your products to your customers.

The benefits of starting your own e-commerce store are limitless. You can offer discounts, managing large quantity orders, add new products and offer the best prices these are some of the edges you will get if you have your own online store.

The shop can operate in a traditional and dropshipping model. You can also offer loyalty programs, gift cards, and many other features that will make your store more attractive to customers. So, possibilities are endless start your own business of clothing with the help of Matterhorn.

Start a subscription service.

Another great way to start a clothing business is to start a subscription service. This means that you will be sending your customers a monthly box of clothes. You can do this by setting up a subscription website or by partnering with an existing subscription service, such as Birchbox.

Dropshipping can be used for this type of business as well. Most of the businesses are now working on this model and this can also be your next business model if you are interested in running you own clothing business.

Start a pop-up shop.

Another great way to start a clothing business is to start a pop-up shop. This means that you will be setting up a temporary shop in a popular location, such as a mall or a busy street. You can do this by renting a space for a few days or weeks or by partnering with an existing retailer.

Start a mobile boutique.

Another great way to start a clothing business is to start a mobile boutique. This means that you will be selling your clothes from a van or a truck. You can do this by renting a van or a truck or by partnering with an existing mobile boutique.

There are a lot of other ways to do clothing business. But these are some of the most common and popular ways to do it. So, if you’re thinking about starting your own clothing business, then you should definitely consider one of these methods.

dresses wholesale

Important Factors to consider before entering into the clothing business

Starting a business is not an easy task, but with the right information, it can be done. There are a lot of factors that need to be considered before entering into the clothing business. Before jumping into the clothing business, here are some of the most important factors you should need to know before starting a business:

Knowledge of the fashion industry

The first and most important thing you need to have is passion and knowledge of the fashion industry. You can’t start a clothing business if you don’t even know how to distinguish one fabric from another. In order to be successful, it is very important that you are updated with the latest trends in fashion. It would also be helpful if you have some background in sewing and designing clothes. This way, you will be able to offer your customers unique and stylish clothing that they will surely love.

Build a good relationship with wholesale suppliers

Another important factor that you need to consider is building a good relationship with your wholesale suppliers. Keep in mind that these suppliers are the ones who will provide you with the clothes that you will sell to your customers. Thus, it is very important that you build a good rapport with them. This way, you will be able to get the best deals and discounts on the clothes that you will purchase from them.

Create a catchy and unique brand

In order for your clothing business to be successful, you need to create a catchy and unique brand. This will help you stand out from the rest of the competition. Remember that your brand is what will make your customers remember you. Therefore, it is very important that you put a lot of thought into creating a brand that will be remembered by your target market.

However, if you have the passion and knowledge of the fashion industry, if you build a good relationship with your wholesale suppliers, and if you create a catchy and unique brand, then you will surely be successful in this venture.

Why should you buy it?

When it comes to clothes, it’s important to have a variety of different styles and brands in your wardrobe so you can mix and match to create different outfits. And what’s better than getting high-quality clothes at a fraction of the Cost? That’s right, nothing!

There are a few key reasons why you should consider buying wholesale clothes:

  • High-Quality at low Cost
  • A wide variety of Selection
  • Great for businesses
bras wholesale

High-Quality at low Cost

When you buy clothes in bulk, you can get high-quality clothes at a fraction of the Cost. This is because stores that sell wholesale clothes don’t have the same overhead costs as traditional retail stores. Moreover, you can often find designer clothes at wholesale prices, so you can get the same high-quality clothes without spending a fortune.

A wide variety of Selection

When you buy wholesale clothing, you’ll have access to a wide variety of Selection. This is because stores that sell wholesale clothes typically carry a large inventory of clothes in different styles, brands, and sizes. This way, you can find the perfect clothes for everyone in the family without having to shop at multiple stores.

Great for Businesses

If you own a clothing store or other type of business, buying wholesale clothes is a great way to save money and get a variety of high-quality clothes. This is because you can buy a large number of clothes at a fraction of the Cost, and you won’t have to worry about running out of stock. Moreover, you can often find designer clothes at wholesale prices, so you can offer your customers a wide selection of high-quality clothes without breaking the bank.

Homewear Wholesale

How to find wholesale stores?

There are a few different ways that you can find stores that sell wholesale clothes:

  • Search Online
  • Visit a wholesale clothing market
  • Ask Around
  • Look for Wholesale Clubs

Search Online

One of the easiest ways to find stores that sell wholesale clothes is to search for them online. Simply type in “wholesale clothes” or “bulk clothes” into your favorite search engine, and you’ll be sure to find a variety of different stores that sell wholesale clothes. Be sure to compare the prices and Selection of each store before making a purchase, so you can find the perfect store for your needs.

Visit a Wholesale Clothing Market

Another great way to find stores that sell wholesale clothes is to visit a wholesale clothing market. These markets are typically held in major cities, and they’re a great place to find a variety of different stores that sell wholesale clothes. Be sure to compare the prices and Selection of each store before making a purchase, so you can find the perfect store for your needs.

Ask around

If you know someone who owns a clothing store or other type of business that buys clothes in bulk, be sure to ask them where they get their clothes. They may be able to recommend a few different stores that sell wholesale clothes, and they can even give you a tour of the market so you can see the clothes for yourself. Be sure to compare the prices and Selection of each store before making a purchase, so you can find the perfect store for your needs.

Look for Wholesale Clubs

Another great way to find stores that sell wholesale clothes is to look for wholesale clubs. These clubs are typically membership-based, and they offer a variety of benefits, including discounts on bulk purchases. Be sure to compare the prices and Selection of each store before making a purchase, so you can find the perfect store for your needs.

Sweatshirts Wholesale

How do you find a good wholesale store to purchase from?

There are a few things that you should look for when trying to find a good wholesale store:

  • Competitive prices
  • A good reputation
  • A wide selection of clothes
  • Pictures of product ready to use in your shop
  • product feed for online selling
  • often new products

Competitive prices

Competitive prices are important because they allow you to offer your customers great deals on clothing. Be sure to compare the prices of different stores before making a purchase, so you can find the store with the best deals.

A good reputation

A good reputation is important because it allows you to know that you’re buying from a store that is reliable and trustworthy. Be sure to read online reviews of different stores before making a purchase, so you can find the store with the best reputation.

Now that you know what to look for in a good wholesale store be sure to do your research before making a purchase! This way, you can be sure that you’re getting the best deals on clothing for your store.

A wide selection of clothes

A wide selection of clothes is important because it offers customers a variety of different options. Be sure to check out the Selection of different stores before making a purchase, so you can find the store with the best Selection.

Now that you know where to find stores that sell wholesale clothes and what to look for in a good store, be sure to do your research before making a purchase! This way, you can be sure that you’re getting the best deals on clothing for your store.

Things to Consider before buying from a wholesale seller

Here are a lot of things that you should take into consideration before buying from a wholesale seller:

  • Read user reviews
  • Compare prices
  • Check the quality of the clothes
  • The turnaround time
  • The minimum order requirement

Read user reviews

One of the most important things that you should do when trying to find a good store is to read user reviews. This will allow you to see what other customers have said about their experience with the store, and it will help you make an informed decision about whether or not the store is right for you.

Be sure to take the time to read user reviews of different stores before making a purchase, so you can find the store with the best reputation.

Compare prices

Another important thing to do when trying to find a good store is to compare prices. This will allow you to find the store with the best deals on clothing. Be sure to take the time to compare the prices of different stores before making a purchase, so you can find the store with the best deals.

Look for a wide selection.

When you’re looking for a store to buy from, be sure to look for one with a wide selection of clothing. This will allow you to find the right store for your needs. Be sure to take the time to browse the Selection of different stores before making a purchase, so you can find the store with the best Selection.

Check the quality of the clothes.

One important thing to take into consideration when trying to find a good store is the quality of the clothes. Be sure to check the quality of the clothes before making a purchase, so you can be sure that you’re getting your money’s worth.

The turnaround time

Another important thing to take into consideration when trying to find a good store is the turnaround time. This is the amount of time it takes for the store to ship the clothes to you. Be sure to check the turnaround time of different stores before making a purchase, so you can find the store with the best turnaround time.

The minimum order requirement

One last thing to take into consideration when trying to find a good store is the minimum order requirement. This is the minimum amount of clothing that you must purchase in order to get a discount. Be sure to check the minimum order requirement of different stores before making a purchase, so you can find the store with the best deals.

Now that you know where to find stores that sell wholesale clothes and what to look for in a good store, be sure to do your research before making a purchase! This way, you can be sure that you’re getting the best deals on clothing for your store.

That’s why Matterhorn has no minimum order value. So, you can start start as low as 1 item for a trial.

What are the benefits of buying wholesale clothing?

There are many benefits to buying wholesale clothing for your family or business.

  • One of the biggest benefits is that you can save a lot of money by buying in bulk.
  • Another benefit is that you can find a wide variety of clothing options when you buy wholesale, so you can easily find clothes that everyone in your family will love.
  • Finally, when you buy wholesale, you can be sure that you’re getting high-quality clothes since most stores that sell wholesale clothing only sell brands that are known for their quality.

So, if you’re looking to save money, find a wide variety of clothing options, and get high-quality clothes, then buying wholesale is the way to go!

Tips for choosing the right styles and sizes when for wholesale clothing business

When you’re shopping for wholesale clothing, it’s important to choose the right styles and sizes in order to get the best deals.

Timeless Styles

One tip is to choose timeless styles that never go out of fashion, like a classic white shirt or a black dress. This way, you can be sure that you’ll be able to wear the clothes for years to come. 

Versatile Pieces

Another tip is to choose versatile pieces that can be dressed up or down, like a pair of dark jeans or a neutral-colored blazer. This way, you’ll be able to get a lot of use out of the clothes without getting bored of them. 

Neutral Colors

Another tip is to choose neutral colors like black, white, and gray. This way, you can easily mix and match the clothes to create different looks.

Sizes for Everyone

Finally, be sure to choose a variety of sizes when shopping for wholesale clothing. This way, you can be sure that everyone in your family or business will be able to find clothes that fit them perfectly.

By following these tips, you can be sure that you’ll find the best deals on wholesale clothing for your family or business!

Now you almost know everything about wholesale clothing and how to start it as a business or utilize cheap pricing for your own need. Now it’s time to know how to get a wholesale license for your own boutique.

How to get a wholesale license for your own boutique?

When you’re looking to start your own wholesale clothing business, one of the first things you’ll need to do is get a wholesale license. This license allows you to buy clothes in bulk from different stores and sell them at a profit. Before entering into how to get, you must know what a wholesale license is.

What is a wholesale license?

A wholesale license is a permit that allows you to buy products in bulk from manufacturers and sell them at a higher price. In order to get this license, you’ll need to apply for it through your state’s business department.

The process of getting a wholesale license can vary from state to state, but there are some general steps that you’ll need to follow.

  • Pay the fees associated with getting a wholesale license.
  • Submit additional documents
  • Get fingerprinted

Pay fees for license

After you’ve submitted your application, you’ll need to pay the fees associated with getting a wholesale license. These fees can vary from state to state, but they’re usually around $100.

Submit additional documents

In some cases, you may also need to submit additional documents along with your application and fee payment. These documents can include a business plan, proof of insurance, and bank statements.

Get fingerprinted

In some states, you may also need to get fingerprinted as part of the process of getting a wholesale license. This fingerprinting is typically done by the state police department.

After you’ve followed all of these steps, you’ll be able to get your wholesale license and start buying clothes in bulk!

Once you’ve submitted the application and it’s been approved, you’ll be able to start buying clothes in bulk from different stores and selling them at a profit!

How Matterhorn can help you get rid of all this process?

Matterhorn was created to help simplify and automate all these processes for you. We are a supplier of quality clothing manufactured in Poland/Europe. We have been in business since 2006 and have an offer from many manufacturers. We update our inventory daily, adding new products and collections regularly.

We provide XML/CSV files for online merchants (e-shops, eBay or amazon merchants), which they can use to integrate with us and update their inventory automatically. We also offer to dropshipers, i.e. shipping to the end customer, for those who want to focus on selling and leave the logistics to us. Matterhorn can help you save time and money by automating your inventory management and order fulfillment processes. We can help you focus on selling and leave the logistics to us. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you streamline your business.


Benefits of Working with Matterhorn for Clothing Business

Here are some of the benefits that you can expect when you partner with us for your clothing business needs:

1. A Wide Range of Products: We offer a wide range of products for our clothing business partners, with new items added on a regular basis. This means that you can offer your customers a constantly updated selection of the latest trends and fashions.

2. No Minimum Order Value: We have no minimum order value, so you can buy exactly what you need, when you need it.

3. Worldwide Shipping: We ship virtually worldwide, so you can reach your customers no matter where they are located.

4. Dropshipping: We offer dropshipping, so you can ship directly to your end customers. This saves you time and money on shipping and handling.

5. XML/CSV Files: We provide XML/CSV files for online merchants, so you can easily integrate our products into your existing system.

6. Frequent Collection Changes and New Products: We update our product collection frequently, so you can always offer your customers the latest products. If you are looking for a reliable, affordable, and easy-to-use clothing business partner, then Matterhorn is a perfect choice. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services.


There are a lot of methods to locate wholesale clothing retailers that provide excellent pricing on clothing. You can start by doing a quick search online, which will allow you to compare prices and find the best deals. You can also ask around at your local malls or department stores, as they may know of some good places to get wholesale clothes.

Be sure to do your research before heading out to buy wholesale clothes, so you know exactly what you’re looking for and where to find the best deals! By following these tips, you can be sure that you’ll find the best deals on wholesale clothing for your family or business!

When you’re considering establishing your own wholesale clothing business, one of the first things you’ll need to do is obtain a wholesale license. Then you’ll need to set up a local online store. Look for a competent Dropshipper who can offer you with goods at a lower price and get started selling! 


Wholesale clothing suppliers

If you are looking to secure your prices, then bulk buy is the best bet for wholesale clothing suppliers. Matterhorn gives you the key to getting your clothing store off the ground. Matterhorn’s online store is the perfect place to buy for wholesale clothing suppliers as the store pays heed to all the quality standards essential to stay out-of-the-box.

When you choose online shopping over in-store shopping as a wholesale clothing supplier, you have several added advantages like access to a diverse range. Matterhorn itself offers more than 25000 products from more than 150 prestigious brands worldwide.

Matterhorn has a name for its quality and reliability. Whether you are looking to keep a short inventory or want to bulk buy as per your business needs, Matterhorn allows you to create custom orders in a jiffy. Another big thing is that if you love upgrading your shopping shelves or surprising your customers with the latest accessories and other essentials for celebrity looks, then you can find them too under the same roof without you having to walk in.

Yes, you can conveniently place orders from anywhere and at any time. Wholesale clothing suppliers like Matterhorn plays a big role in bridging the gaps that occur between manufacturers and various businesses. What can be better than getting the most out of it with quality and services?

Matterhorn is always upgrading, refreshing and welcoming to one and all to experience a whole lot of hassle-free purchase journeys for their clothing businesses.


Wholesale women’s boutique clothing

While purchase for boutique clothing can be a daunting process, Matterhorn has made it free of hustle and bustle. The edge you have in buying wholesale women’s boutique clothing comes as multiple benefits say a whole range of benefits.

Bulk buy is the first choice of fashion businesses. As a boutique, you may need to keep your shelves stocked with classic to fashion-forward styles. Causal, formal, business, party, you need all your section shelves upgraded for your customers to be really looking forward to buying from your store. And Matterhorn helps you do that perfectly without having you wander in several street stores, exhaust yourself and yet not derive the results both in quality and in number.

If you know what your customers know and love, then sure you can browse across brand sections of Matterhorn. You will find wholesale women’s boutique clothing from more than 150 brands all fresh.

Matterhorn suppliers are carefully vetted for their quality products and customer service. So, you can experience smooth product sourcing for your women’s boutique clothing needs. Since it supplies several boutiques across the globe, you can also find products based on different wardrobe styles followed in different countries. Vibrant palettes and trendy styles in your boutique shelves can make you lead with the statement, “Fashion is Fun and Fun in Fashion.”

When it comes to women’s clothing, your inventory needs to be very versatile for its quick volatility. Classy, timeless, trendy, fashion-forward catalogues can keep your customers derive grace and gorgeousness altogether.


Trendy wholesale clothing

Beat the trends with the latest trendy wholesale clothing from the house of Matterhorn. If your customers are looking forward to buying the latest trends and styles to get set in the celebrity looks, our collection can help you bring smiles to their faces and confidence in their walks.

And if your customers want to be the trendsetters, then you can get plenty to offer them.

The plus point is that with Matterhorn, you can inspire and grow your business. You get an exhaustive collection at unbeatable prices from unparallel brands.

With trendy wholesale clothing becoming newly popular, you may not want to miss the chance to be the winner. Matterhorn’s platform integrates the combination of trendy styles using a user-friendly web interface to connect to multiple businesses looking for trendy wholesale clothing.

Orders, payments and shipments are all through a safe and secured network with added convenience. You can browse across different collections, styles, colours, fabrics, sizes and even across brands. No matter where your business is in the world, at Matterhorn, you can embrace being in the virtual fashion district.

Matterhorn offers its vendors a wholesale environment in trendy clothing like nowhere else. Experience this ambience and enjoy the collections. Being a part of the digitized fashion ecosystem, the buying process for fashion wholesale clothing has become innovative, easy and aesthetically pleasing. Enjoy being a part of this B2B revolution where you can experience automated product uploading, safe payment processing and secured shipping.


Fashion wholesale vendors

All fashion wholesale vendors are welcome to explore the most comprehensive fashion wholesale clothing collection at Matterhorn. Matterhorn is the home to Europe’s most luxurious brands and offers an unending portfolio with premium products from more than 150 wide-ranging fashion brands.

Fashion wholesale vendors play a pretty safe bet when they manage to find the products their customers are looking forward to purchasing from their houses. And Matterhorn has been able to do that just because of its unique services.

Besides fashion, clothing is just an equivalent necessity. Whether you have a retail clothing outlet or an online shopping store or a boutique, when it comes to fashion needs, you definitely have an aspiring apparel entrepreneur within yourselves.

So, let Matterhorn get you the best bet. Design and styles, fashion and traditions, comfort and luxury, every person have a unique taste. And Matterhorn allows you to address the needs of all your customers coming from all walks of life. Our specialized collection is designed to give the out-of-the-box collection for all fashion wholesale vendors.

Ready-made designs from aesthetic brands meeting diverse purchase behaviours of varying customers is really a difficult choice. But Matterhorn makes it easy for you and your customers to find just the perfect fashion clothing they would love to buy; not just to fill in their closets but to wear them confidently and comfortably.


High fashion wholesale clothing distributors

Whether for your traditional business or online shopping portals, Matterhorn presents itself as the one-stop solution for high fashion wholesale clothing distributors. We offer exceptional Business to Business (B2B) offers to various sized businesses including retail stores, wholesale shops, boutiques and other commercials.

We cater to the high fashion wholesale clothing distributors at the most affordable pricing and that too for all the prestigious brands your customers have a chic craze for. Our esteemed collection includes brands from inello, Marko, axami, numoco, FIGL, Made of Emotion (MOE), Peeka Boo, Gorsenia, M.Hajdan, CLICK, Donna, nife and the list is as long as more than 150 brands.

You get such an exhaustive collection of high fashion wholesale clothing with new arrivals added every single day only at Matterhorn. When making supplies to various commercials including trendy and fashion inspired boutiques, there is a huge sense and science behind it.

Besides the variety, Matterhorn has emerged with the name in quality. You can trust us for fast, safe and convenient shipping worldwide and that too without draining your budgets.

You can buy pick and mix options of wholesale clothing. While with fixed pickups, you can avail of predefined bulk of wholesale clothing. And with the latter, you can customize your cart of wholesale clothing orders.

Matterhorn leads the fashion wholesale clothing with its unique offerings both in quality and quantity and best in shipping services. As a business owner in fashion clothing, Matterhorn helps you make your decisions instantly, easily and all from one place without you having to move from your couch. Order anytime from anywhere!


Spring/Summer 2022 Trends

Are we the only ones who miss the Spring Season or maybe is there anyone else who is desperately waiting for the first sun rays of sunshine? If you are fed up with a gloomy winter, let us cheer you up – the Spring Season is coming in 10 days!

Having that in mind, it’s very important to create a wardrobe full of fashionable products of the Spring/Summer 2022 Season. If you do not know yet what your wardrobe is lacking, you have come to the right place. As one of the top wholesale clothing suppliers, we feel responsible for creating an entry about the must-have products of the Spring/Summer 2022 Season. 

  1.  Low rise trousers

Previous seasons were dominated by high-waisted trousers. The new Spring/Summer 2022 season will however be different. The fashion designers opted for low-rise styles. They do not necessarily have to be made of classic jeans. They also look good in elegant versions, made of silk, viscose or – surprisingly – corduroy. The last material may be associated with the beginning of the 2000s and is now back in fashion after over 20 years. 

Apart from the materials, worth mentioning is also the cut of the trousers  – the looser the better. Skinny jeans are no longer in fashion, which is good for women who don’t like tight-fitting clothes. Cargo trousers and bell-bottoms are now back in fashion. 

  1. Crop tops 

Speaking of the 2000s, crop tops are another element associated with those years. Is this trend suitable for women of all ages? It is mainly associated with young, skinny girls so if you do not feel that comfortable exposing your belly, you may combine a crop top with an oversize jacket. 

  1. Oversize jackets

An oversize jacket is probably an element which each woman has in her wardrobe. It is a product that has been seen at fashion shows for several seasons now. Luckily, it is also another key element of the coming Spring/Summer 2022 Season.  Apart from the crop tops, it can also be combined with loose trousers, mini skirts or close-fitting trousers. 

  1. Mini skirts 

Mini skirts, as mentioned previously, may either be worn with oversize jackets, or with matching jackets – to create sets, preferably in one colour such as for example pastel pink or classic white. In the past, such combinations were associated with boring office fashion but this trend has also changed. 

Mini skirts are another comeback from the 60s, 90s and 2000s. In the collections of famous designers we can also notice a combination of mini skirts with crop tops, short sweaters, bolero jackets or bralets.

  1.  Swimwear as part of a look

Swimwear is another integral part of Spring/Summer 2022 Collections. Both one-piece swimsuits and bikinis are in fashion. They may be either elegant and plain – reminding of a bodysuit – or decorated with different, most often hippie patterns. The most important thing while wearing swimwear as part of a look, is to create a consistent outfit, worn with jackets, sweaters or suits. In the coming season, swimwear will be treated as both elegant tops and summer beach outfits. 

  1. Trench coats

Similarly to an oversize jacket, a trench coat is something each woman should have in her wardrobe. In the upcoming season, it will however have a different form. On the catwalks, we may notice that trench coats no longer have long sleeves – they may now have short or ¾ sleeves. Moreover, modern trench coats remind us more of shirt dresses than classic coats. They may either be oversize or tight-fitting. Typical for modern trench coats are also wider shoulder lines and bigger collars. 

From what you can see, the upcoming Spring/Summer 2022 season is going to be a big comeback of the previous years. It will be a combination of fashion trends from the previous 70 years. For sure, it may be described as the season, in which your imagination will be the only limit. Thanks to our wide range of products you will be able to find many of the above products in our trendy wholesale clothing offer. 



Women out there, you have every right to look beautiful, graceful and elegant at all times. With our range of wholesale women’s dresses at Matterhorn, we have you covered with a splendid range of day dresses, evening dresses, gowns, party dresses, home wear dresses, casual wear, sportswear and much more for you to explore.

Our collection has put together pieces from a wide range of brands for you to always look the best. So, check out the one that you need to flaunt in. Flaunt yourself with fabulous looks every day and at different times of the same day. 

Our hand-picked trending collection has a comprehensive range of dresses, jumpsuits, jumpers, cardigans, shirts, blouses and tops and matching skirts to drape. Refresh your wardrobe with our latest seasonal collection of women’s dresses available exclusive at Matterhorn.

We understand your keenness to look great at all times. So, we have something for every beauty and every occasion. When moments turn to occasions, and when there is a change in seasons, Matterhorn’s collection is full of subtle solutions for your dressing needs.

Whether you are relaxing at home or heading for work or getting ready for the most-awaited date or settling yourself to be the eye-catcher at the party, we have all that you might need to pair up your looks. With a huge collection, we have the best selection of sizes and colours.

Capture attention while being resonant and pick the ones that complement your looks and gain you amazing compliments.

  • VARIETY: Matterhorn’s collection of wholesale women’s dresses is the most comprehensive available online. We have a fabulous range of lifestyle shopping collections for women’s apparel for different times, seasons and occasions.
  • QUALITY: The collections are selectively chosen to meet the requirements of quality, durability and affordability. What you see at our site, you get delivered the same. With our luxurious collection, nourish your online shopping experience.
  • COMFORT: We understand yours needs to dress with comfort and in style. Our high-quality women’s dresses are all handpicked keeping comfort as the priority. Confidence waivers when a woman is struggling to be comfortable in what she has worn. And we want you to always stand with a confident smile as you grab attraction of multiple eyes.


Getting oneself actively engaged in sports is one of the best ways to have a healthy lifestyle. A sportswoman will always be indulged in at least some kind of physical activity that will keep her fit and in good health.

Whatever be your choice of sport from deep yoga exercise to intensive cardiac workouts to running or training, get ready to work up the sweat in our wide range of women’s sportswear.

Chase your goals in comfortable, functional and supporting women’s Sportswear from the house of Matterhorn. Fitness clothing for your fitness needs. 

At Matterhorn, we have a good deal of Women’s sports clothing. Whether you are indulging in outdoor sports or indoor gym and yoga or intense workouts, we have a whole range of wholesale women’s sportswear. And if swimming is your sport, then check out our active swimwear and beachwear collection. 

Whether you are playing for leisure or you are a full-time athlete, we have all qualities of women’s sportswear and that too for all seasons. Seasons come and go but the show must go on. And Matterhorn has you covered with any kind of sportswear you may be looking forward to buying. 

Explore Matterhorn’s comprehensive range of Tights, T-shirts, track pants, cycling shorts, supportive sports bras, tracksuit sets, tops, jackets, sweatshirts, capris, socks, skirts, tops, joggers, tank tops and more. 

  • FUNCTIONAL: Sportswear as the name itself suggests should be functional. It has to cover the needs of your body when you work out. Besides being comfortable, women’s sportswear also needs to be supportive. At Matterhorn, we have a diverse range of women’s activewear that can suit their different needs of different activities and sports. 
  • STYLE: If you believe that no conflation exists between fashion and function, probably you need to check out the trendy styles from esteemed brands only at Matterhorn and that too at wholesale prices. 
  • COMFORT: “Use what you’ve been through as fuel, believe yourself and be unstoppable!” and do this in comfortable sportswear. Save your energy, save your fuel for the workout. And spend no energy on getting comfortable because our selected range of women’s sportswear come in high-quality fabrics that are soft to touch, breathable and supporting that can give you the most needed comfort.